These docs are for v1.3.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.6.


Defines API for sending transactions.


public void send_deferred(const uint128_t & sender_id,account_name payer,const char * serialized_transaction,size_t size,uint32_t replace_existing)Sends a deferred transaction.
public int cancel_deferred(const uint128_t & sender_id)Cancels a deferred transaction.
public size_t read_transaction(char * buffer,size_t size)Access a copy of the currently executing transaction.
public size_t transaction_size()Gets the size of the currently executing transaction.
public int tapos_block_num()Gets the block number used for TAPOS on the currently executing transaction.
public int tapos_block_prefix()Gets the block prefix used for TAPOS on the currently executing transaction.
public time expiration()Gets the expiration of the currently executing transaction.
public int get_action(uint32_t type,uint32_t index,char * buff,size_t size)Retrieves the indicated action from the active transaction.
public int get_context_free_data(uint32_t index,char * buff,size_t size)Retrieve the signed_transaction.context_free_data[index].