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action [struct]

Packed representation of an action.

This is the packed representation of an action along with meta-data about the authorization levels.


public account_name accountName of the account the action is intended for.
public action_name nameName of the action.
public vector< permission_level>authorizationList of permissions that authorize this action.
public bytes dataPayload data.
public action() = defaultConstruct a new action object.
public template<>
inline action(vector< permission_level > && auth,const Action & value)
Construct a new action object with the given permission and action struct.
public template<>
inline action(const permission_level & auth,const Action & value)
Construct a new action object with the given list of permissions and action struct.
public template<>
inline action(const Action & value)
Construct a new action object with the given action struct.
public template<>
inline action(const permission_level & auth,account_name a,action_name n,T && value)
Construct a new action object with the given permission, action receiver, action name, action struct.
public template<>
inline action(vector< permission_level > auths,account_name a,action_name n,T && value)
Construct a new action object with the given list of permissions, action receiver, action name, action struct.
public inline EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(action,(`account)(name)(authorization)(data`)) constSend the action as inline action.
public inline void send_context_free() constSend the action as inline context free action.
public template<>
inline T data_as()
Retrieve the unpacked data as T.


Name of the account the action is intended for.

Name of the account the action is intended for

Name of the action.

Name of the action

List of permissions that authorize this action.

List of permissions that authorize this action

public bytes data

Payload data.

Payload data

public action() = default

Construct a new action object.

Default Constructor

public template<>
inline action(vector< permission_level > && auth,const Action & value)

Construct a new action object with the given permission and action struct.

Construct a new action object with the given permission and action struct


  • Action - Type of action struct


  • auth - The permission that authorizes this action

  • value - The action struct that will be serialized via pack into data

public template<>
inline action(const permission_level & auth,const Action & value)

Construct a new action object with the given list of permissions and action struct.

Construct a new action object with the given list of permissions and action struct


  • Action - Type of action struct


  • auth - The list of permissions that authorizes this action

  • value - The action struct that will be serialized via pack into data

public template<>
inline action(const Action & value)

Construct a new action object with the given action struct.

Construct a new action object with the given action struct


  • Action - Type of action struct


  • value - The action struct that will be serialized via pack into data

public template<>
inline action(const permission_level & auth,account_name a,action_name n,T && value)

Construct a new action object with the given permission, action receiver, action name, action struct.

Construct a new action object with the given action struct


  • T - Type of action struct


  • auth - The permissions that authorizes this action

  • a - The name of the account this action is intended for (action receiver)

  • n - The name of the action

  • value - The action struct that will be serialized via pack into data

public template<>
inline action(vector< permission_level > auths,account_name a,action_name n,T && value)

Construct a new action object with the given list of permissions, action receiver, action name, action struct.

Construct a new action object with the given action struct


  • T - Type of action struct


  • auths - The list of permissions that authorize this action

  • a - The name of the account this action is intended for (action receiver)

  • n - The name of the action

  • value - The action struct that will be serialized via pack into data

Send the action as inline action.

Send the action as inline action

public inline void send_context_free() const

Send the action as inline context free action.

Send the action as inline context free action


This action should not contain any authorizations

public template<>
inline T data_as()

Retrieve the unpacked data as T.

Retrieve the unpacked data as T


  • T expected type of data


the action data

Base class to derive a new defined action from.

Base class to derive a new defined action from so it can take advantage of the dispatcher


  • Account - The account this action is intended for

  • Name - The name of the action