These docs are for v1.3.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.6.


Tests if the sha512 hash generated from data matches the provided checksum.

Tests if the sha512 hash generated from data matches the provided checksum. This method is optimized to a NO-OP when in fast evaluation mode.


  • data - Data you want to hash

  • length - Data length

  • hash - checksum512* hash to compare to


assert512 hash of data equals provided hash parameter.

Post Condition

Executes next statement. If was not true, hard return.


checksum hash;
char data;
uint32_t length;
assert_sha512( data, length, hash )
//If the sha512 hash generated from data does not equal provided hash, anything below will never fire.
eosio::print("sha512 hash generated from data equals provided hash");