These docs are for v1.2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.6.


Searches for the object_type with the highest primary key that is less than or equal to a given primary key.

Searches for the object_type with the highest primary key that is less than or equal to a given primary key.


  • primary - Primary key that establishes the target value for the upper bound search


An iterator pointing to the object_type that has the highest primary key that is less than or equal to primary. If an object could not be found, it will return the end iterator. If the table does not exist** it will return -1.


#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
using namespace eosio;
using namespace std;
class addressbook: contract {
  struct address {
     uint64_t account_name;
     string first_name;
     string last_name;
     string street;
     string city;
     string state;
     uint32_t zip = 0;
     uint64_t liked = 0;
     uint64_t primary_key() const { return account_name; }
     uint64_t by_zip() const { return zip; }
     EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( address, (account_name)(first_name)(last_name)(street)(city)(state)(zip) )
    addressbook(account_name self):contract(self) {}
    typedef eosio::multi_index< N(address), address, indexed_by< N(zip), const_mem_fun<address, uint64_t, &address::by_zip> > address_index;
    void myaction() {
      address_index addresses(_self, _self);  // code, scope
      // add to table, first argument is account to bill for storage
      addresses.emplace(payer, [&](auto& address) {
        address.account_name = N(dan);
        address.first_name = "Daniel";
        address.last_name = "Larimer";
        address.street = "1 EOS Way"; = "Blacksburg";
        address.state = "VA"; = 93446;
      addresses.emplace(payer, [&](auto& address) {
        address.account_name = N(brendan);
        address.first_name = "Brendan";
        address.last_name = "Blumer";
        address.street = "1 EOS Way"; = "Hong Kong";
        address.state = "HK"; = 93445;
      uint32_t zipnumb = 93445;
      auto zip_index = addresses.get_index<N(zip)>();
      auto itr = zip_index.upper_bound(zipnumb);
      eosio_assert(itr->account_name == N(dan), "Incorrect First Upper Bound Record ");
      eosio_assert(itr == zip_index.end(), "Incorrect End of Iterator");
EOSIO_ABI( addressbook, (myaction) )