These docs are for v1.2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.6.


Defines C API for calculating and checking hash.


public void assert_sha256(char * data,uint32_t length,const checksum256 * hash)Tests if the sha256 hash generated from data matches the provided checksum.
public void assert_sha1(char * data,uint32_t length,const checksum160 * hash)Tests if the sha1 hash generated from data matches the provided checksum.
public void assert_sha512(char * data,uint32_t length,const checksum512 * hash)Tests if the sha512 hash generated from data matches the provided checksum.
public void assert_ripemd160(char * data,uint32_t length,const checksum160 * hash)Tests if the ripemod160 hash generated from data matches the provided checksum.
public void sha256(char * data,uint32_t length,checksum256 * hash)Hashes data using sha256 and stores result in memory pointed to by hash.
public void sha1(char * data,uint32_t length,checksum160 * hash)Hashes data using sha1 and stores result in memory pointed to by hash.
public void sha512(char * data,uint32_t length,checksum512 * hash)Hashes data using sha512 and stores result in memory pointed to by hash.
public void ripemd160(char * data,uint32_t length,checksum160 * hash)Hashes data using ripemod160 and stores result in memory pointed to by hash.
public int recover_key(const checksum256 * digest,const char * sig,size_t siglen,char * pub,size_t publen)Calculates the public key used for a given signature and hash used to create a message.
public void assert_recover_key(const checksum256 * digest,const char * sig,size_t siglen,const char * pub,size_t publen)Tests a given public key with the generated key from digest and the signature.